
Showing posts from May, 2018
Roses Are Like Your Purpose So many think they have just one purpose in this life. That is your life mission. Each purpose is like the rose. It buds, blooms and dies. This allows another to take its place. When we pick the rose to grace our home we allow for two to take its place. Allow the pruning in order to bloom elsewhere as you allow the new purpose to bloom within   Allow your uniqueness to shine, to bring joy and a new scent of creativity and beauty. Be in creative mode as you birth that which is uniquely yours, An answer to someone’s challenge, their need, your purpose…… What fear is holding you in stasis? Whose opinion is frightening you off? What knowledge are you needing? Whose permission are you seeking? WHY? Who are you allowing to be the author in your authority over your life? Whose story are you actually writing? It is frightening to think of the budding, blooming and dying. It is exhilarating to choose underst...