The answer is in the question
22/01/2012 I made the seriously best smoothie this week. Experimenting on your behalf sometimes has my family gagging, but faithfully swallowing. Albeit they hold their noses as they swallow. Here goes: ¼ cup carrot seedling tops – yes the green ferny bits ¼ cup radish tops and 1 radish ( I harvest a leaf off each growing seedling) ½ cup peeled chopped pineapple ( very ripe one) 250mls filtered water 1 organic banana 1 red apple ½ cup of fresh mint 2 baby spinach leaves 5 cm cucumber 2 raw free range eggs ½ lettuce Blend and enjoy It was really delicious and nutritious Saying of the week IF YOU DO NOT WANT IT- DO NOT SAY IT! And that is all I have to say on that!!! Sometimes when we say affirmations and positives, our brain blocks it as we may be feeling discouraged or despondent at the time. Please do an experiment for the next 6 weeks. Ask yourself WHY something has happened e.g. “Why am I healed physically and emotionally?” “Why am I...