

Hello there all you wonderful Wellness Warriors,
How are you all on this crisp, very crisp Highveld day?

As always there is so much to share with you and to choose one theme is, for my personality, an interesting discipline.

I am seeing more and more how our personalities and love languages affect our day to day functioning. When you are unaware of what your personality and love language mix is, it can have very negative connotations to life.

Are you an extrovert or introvert, task or people orientated?

Do you prefer to take things slowly and calmly or have things done immediately and your way?

Do you need to analyze every detail or do you prefer to just have fun and socialize?

Am I stereotyping? Not at all. These are just miniscule examples of what our makeup is composed of.

We are all an interesting mixture. Our uniqueness and yet similarities is what either attracts or repels people.

We have one thing in common though; our words make or break us and we are able to make or break others with them.

That age old ditty “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” is a lie of mammoth proportions. The sad thing is we often do the damage to ourselves with our own words.

How are we able to overcome years of word damage to ourselves?

Start asking WHY?

‘Why am I a confident, successful business person?’

‘Why am I able to be the best wife/husband/mother/father for this particular situation?’

‘Why do I no longer need to store emotional pain in my muscles?’

‘Why do I no longer need dis-ease as a crutch to face life?’

Our brains are wired to ignore emotion and only hear words. When faced with a ‘why?’ it is programmed to answer the question. Just ask the question. Do not attempt to answer it.

This will often bring about certain corrective responses, so be aware of this.

The goal: to be the person you are meant to be!

If you would like to chat more in depth on this, please feel free to contact me.

Until we chat again….have fun, choose to live life..not just endure it.

Be aware of what goes into your mouth and what enters your ears.

Yours in Wellness



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