Hi there all you awesome Wellness Warriors,

What emotion is evoked in you by the following words?
1 Loser
2 Lose
3 Change
Are they positive or negative emotions? What memories do these words bring up in your mind?
How do you feel when you lose something or someone? In what way are you potentially impacted in situations when you 'lose'?
Dealing with people who wish to re-sculpt their bodies and either reduce their clothing size or increase it, the phrases such as 'lose weight'' change your eating patterns' are just 2 of the emotion provoking phrases used.

There are many reasons for people gaining and retaining mass that is not muscle eg yo-yo  dieting, hormone imbalances, incorrect eating programmes, lifestyle stresses to name a few; yet I am seeing that- at a gut level, the emotion of 'losing' something plays a very important part in the sabotaging of any mass reduction and lifestyle programme undertaken by people. The purpose being to maintain long-term the results achieved, not return to the starting point and having to re-do all over again, and again, and again.......!

Psychologically people do not want to be losers, to lose or have to consciously change without support.
Another potential factor that  plays a part is a very deep seated, historically based fear.
In the far distant past, people who appeared different, who challenged leadership(be it communal or that of a clique)where ejected from the community. Now, some would survive by themselves, but not many and definitely not women, not easily any way. So, we conform and avoid the spotlight a lifestyle change could bring to bear on us because of a potential fear we aren't even aware of. A twist on the 'Tall Poppy Syndrome'.
Please think on these facts and see if it applies to you and those close to you.

Words are very much more powerful than we are aware of.

A Why for those interested: "Why am I enabling success in my lifestyle walk/my resculpting programme/reaching my life purpose?

Have an awesome day
yours in wellness


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