Hi there all you wonderful Wellness warriors,

We are so blessed to have a relatively mild winter here on the Highveld. I hope I am not speaking too soon. Life can get interesting in the July and August months.

Please remember your green smoothies and your Glyconutrients. They really make a huge difference to your wellness quotient.

I just wanted to touch base with you and share a thought.

There is an interesting word that we often, to our detriment, choose to ignore.
Why do we ignore it?
Because it requires action.
Consistent, sustainable, action.
This requires energy, planning and a desire to move on to become the person we are growing to become.
It is also the key to success in all areas of our lives..

Please go back and see when life appeared to be sailing along. Look at what you were doing.
You will see that you were applying discipline to the desire to achieve.  There was a focus, an end in mind. So, what happened?

Discipline is the key to success. Have you lost that key temporarily in any area of your life?
 Attach a huge dream key ring to continue achieving and moving forward.
Find a purpose – chat with your significant other, your family.
Dream again. Enable yourself and those around you.
Look forward to results, both positive and growing. Enjoy the journey.

I am here for you if you wish to discuss anything that appears to be holding you in place, dragging you on a path you do not consciously choose to travel.
Sometimes we just need an impartial observer to cast an eye over our life map, to see what a better route for us could be, even just to confirm that we are using the skill of discipline to help us achieve what we set out to achieve.

Have a great week and looking forward to your feedback.               


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