
Showing posts from 2018
Wonder and Wander Allow your thoughts to wander as you take in the wonder of the world, the small daily miracles you are, largely, unaware of; and the larger ones you often ignore, as you are so busy wondering about your future and the past. Allow your thoughts to wander as you visualize the world you would love to live in, choosing to release that which brings sadness, anger, shame. Feel these emotions and allow them to wander off to be replaced with those of love, peace, joy. Feel the emotion of being, as things need to be in your mind before being created in the physical. Would you love to walk along the beach? Would you enjoy walking the mountains and experiencing their beauty? How does it feel to feel an abundance of your choosing? Do you understand the feeling and the emotion of your wondering as you wonder in the world of the imagination, the mind? Allow yourself to become aware of the miracles in your life, offer gratitude and understanding as you ...
Awaken Within Do you walk with your shoulders bowed and head down? Avoiding people's eyes and just wanting to get through the day? When was the last time you threw your arms open wide and welcomed in the joy of life? The feeling of freedom and release from fear, anxiety and stress? What is making you choose to endure rather than enjoy? YOU choose your reality, your life. It is wholly your creation. This was an interesting concept for me to chew on when I was caught in the blame game of life. Moi? Causing and creating my own reality? You mean I am responsible for the nonsense in my life? No, come on, not happening. Yes. You create with each thought, focus and fear. I have seen it in my life and that of my clients. Oh, I was always scared this was going to happen and now it has, so I was right. No. You attracted it and fished for it and brought it in by having it lurk like a shark in your subconscious and often in your conscious thoughts...

Pathways and Purpose

Pathways and Purpose Have you ever played the ‘what if’ game, the ‘if only’ game? So totally non-productive and debilitating. It leaks energy into your past that is vital for your present and your current purpose. Evaluate your past, see what you need to learn and heal; then choose to stay in the present. So much more productive and purposeful. “Well Janine, how do I do this?”, you may be asking. The minute the recriminations and bemoaning begin, CHANGE your THOUGHTS and FEEL a great feeling. Catch them. Quickly, before they take hold, replace immediately with thoughts of waterfalls, things you enjoy and a delicious sense of adventure as you feel what you enjoy as opposed to what you despise and are uncomfortable with. It is in taking charge of the disciplining of your thoughts and emotions that allows in healing and creating a reality of abundance in all areas of life. It allows for more synchronicity which leads you along a path of bei...
Reaching Within for Your Highest Good Thank you Universe, For helping me see beyond The limits of fear. Thank you for expanding My perceptions So that I can see what is of the highest good. -Gabrielle Bernstein - Fear . . . .False Evidence Appearing Real It really caught my attention the first time I heard this statement about fear. False evidence? I am feeling it so how can it possibly be false? I came to understand that there is fear and there is a learned response. Truth is that the learned response causes the fear. The challenge is that you do not look into the fear and see if it is still a valid protection mechanism for this present situation. You don’t see if it is your reaction or a learned one from your parents, families, associates and past events. When you have a reaction, you are re-actioning a learned response. A better way to deal with it is by giving yourself time to assess, understand, take action and evaluate if this is the ...
Seeing the Unseen Have you ever had the sense that there is something more? A sense that you are missing something, a subtle teasing at your senses, there and not there? There is much in life that is unexplained and contributes to our success and failure. Your thoughts and feelings are unseen and become seen as time goes by. What you have and are experiencing in life is due to what it is you focus on, consciously and unconsciously. Do you like what you have? Would you choose to change, adapt, replace certain areas you are experiencing in your life? It takes awareness, being present, and knowing what it is that you fear, to do so. When you choose to see the unseen before it becomes your reality, you are in a position to then to re-order that which you don’t desire to have. When that quiet voice floats past you saying, ”Don't do this, do that , wait” it behoves you to listen. In my life I have totally seen that when I listen...