Wonder and Wander

Allow your thoughts to wander as you take in the wonder of the world, the small daily miracles you are, largely, unaware of; and the larger ones you often ignore, as you are so busy wondering about your future and the past.

Allow your thoughts to wander as you visualize the world you would love to live in, choosing to release that which brings sadness, anger, shame.
Feel these emotions and allow them to wander off to be replaced with those of love, peace, joy.

Feel the emotion of being, as things need to be in your mind before being created in the physical.

Would you love to walk along the beach?
Would you enjoy walking the mountains and experiencing their beauty?

How does it feel to feel an abundance of your choosing?
Do you understand the feeling and the emotion of your wondering as you wonder in the world of the imagination, the mind?

Allow yourself to become aware of the miracles in your life, offer gratitude and understanding as you move along your day.
This opens you to the greater things and healings of your life.

Your emotions and feelings are a window into your soul and to what is happening within you.
They are the warning signs of what needs healing, of where your thoughts are wandering into dangerous realms.

What are the triggers you need to wonder about?
Those you need to explore?

Get serious about hearing your feelings and emotions, before they become physical and your body takes a hand in warning you of what is needing attention and healing.

Once the body starts talking, you know that now is the time to sort it, before it goes to far and the lesson, the experience becomes a long term challenge that can be quite final from an earthly perspective.

Wander and wonder to create, to heal, and to make a difference in your life.


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