Reaching Within for Your Highest Good Thank you Universe, For helping me see beyond The limits of fear. Thank you for expanding My perceptions So that I can see what is of the highest good. -Gabrielle Bernstein - Fear . . . .False Evidence Appearing Real It really caught my attention the first time I heard this statement about fear. False evidence? I am feeling it so how can it possibly be false? I came to understand that there is fear and there is a learned response. Truth is that the learned response causes the fear. The challenge is that you do not look into the fear and see if it is still a valid protection mechanism for this present situation. You don’t see if it is your reaction or a learned one from your parents, families, associates and past events. When you have a reaction, you are re-actioning a learned response. A better way to deal with it is by giving yourself time to assess, understand, take action and evaluate if this is the ...