Mouldy areas in life
Hey there all you wonderful Wellness Warriors,
We had a wonderful amount of hail & rain storms late last year. Well, it shifted the pieces of corrugated iron on the roof, unbeknownst to us.
The first we knew about it, our lounge wall was bubbling and ‘stuff’ was seeping through as it collected more and more water behind the paint.
When my son, Alex, stripped some of the bubbling paint away….mould splotches have started enjoying my plaster. Alex then removed some of the plaster…the brick is soaking, but mould free.
Yes, we did phone the insurance (no, they haven’t sent an assessor 3 weeks later.)
The point I am eventually getting to is:
What areas in your life are covered by lovely paint on the outside yet is a mouldy area on the inside?
We all have them. We need, however, to acknowledge them and to put some renovation work in place.
For many, it is self thought and self speak. We, more often than not, bring health and other challenges on ourselves with our tongue. Be very aware today of what, where and how you are speaking of and to yourself. It could be a shocking revelation as to how many times you speak death and disaster over yourselves.
The same applies to our eating pattern. My son has been resistant to our green smoothie regime. I was really pleasantly surprised yesterday when I heard him say, “Mom, when will you have the smoothie ready?”
Wow! Success is a wonderful feeling. So is being well!
The common factor I find- is the majority of peoples’ total reluctance to leave chicken out of their eating programme and to refrain from meat for a 6 week period. Boy oh boy! Does mould come out of the woodwork and everywhere else at this point?!!!! Big, huge, tremendous time!!!
Please!Think about what I am saying. Take a little time to journal your thoughts, words and reactions to situations, just for this week.
See if there is a common thread of destruction or of renovation. It is a very interesting scenario and exercise.
Most of us have a note facility on our phone, so there is no excuse for not doing this small, potentially life-changing, exercise.
Green smoothie time
I made several of the most interesting and delicious smoothies this week.
Here is one of them:
Cup of fresh coriander
1 raw egg
Cup of fresh mint leaves ( mint is very easy to grow)
½ cup lettuce
Palm size bunch of red grapes-pips &skin, no stalks!
¼ cup chopped red cabbage
2 red apples
Filtered water
1t coconut oil
½ cup coconut milk
Blend and enjoy
Another smoothie that we enjoyed:
2cm chopped fresh ginger
Juice of 3 limes
Cup spinach
Cup fresh mint
½ cup rocket leaves
1 peeled, chopped pineapple
Cup coconut milk
Filtered water 150mls
1 raw free range egg
½ cup green top of radishes
¼ cup green top carrots
¼ teaspoon hemp powder
¼ cup linseeds
2 pears
Blend and drink life
Another aside:
Jessie-Sarah has been making our lunches this week.
What delicious, colourful, crunchy, textured and most enjoyable meals have been presented daily.
Jessie-Sarah used a variety of fresh veggies, lightly tossed in either, olive, macadamia oils or a mixture of fresh tomatoes blended with coconut milk.
The veggies are placed in the warmed’ fluid’ for a minute or 2, just to coat, and served.
Using fresh coriander, broad beans, Bok Choy, spinach, carrots and carious other veggies, it has been a pleasure eating the fresh and most enjoyable meals.
Well done Jessie – Sarah. ( Jessie-Sarah hates veggies but loves wellness, so we are very proud of her)
Remember to be aware of your words and emotions this week. You do not have to change what you feel about an issue. Just change what you are feeling at that moment in time.
Yours in wellness
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