
Showing posts from 2014


Hi there all you wonderful Wellness Warriors I am reading an awesome book “ Discovering Joye ” by Jim Stovall This impacted me most, so I wanted to share with you: “ Some people’s lives will last a century while others but a few decades, and some people’s time on this earth will only be counted in terms of a few years. But in the final analysis, we all have today .” There is so much wisdom in the( large print) book. It is really worth reading. There is so much time lost to us due to non-planning of our time. I have worked from home for many years and have found the value of planning my day in 15 minute segments. You can choose to allocate varying  segments to the task at hand. It is amazing how fast and efficient you are able to become when you only have 15 minutes for a task. We work with a programme that incorporates the ‘Daily Dozen’ list. It enables you to do the necessary tasks ( not always the most urgent), help yourself grow, and enable efficient...
Hi there all you wonderful Wellness warriors, We are so blessed to have a relatively mild winter here on the Highveld. I hope I am not speaking too soon. Life can get interesting in the July and August months. Please remember your green smoothies and your Glyconutrients. They really make a huge difference to your wellness quotient. I just wanted to touch base with you and share a thought. There is an interesting word that we often, to our detriment, choose to ignore. Discipline . Why do we ignore it? Because it requires action. Consistent, sustainable, action. This requires energy, planning and a desire to move on to become the person we are growing to become. It is also the key to success in all areas of our lives.. Please go back and see when life appeared to be sailing along. Look at what you were doing. You will see that you were applying discipline to the desire to achieve.  There was a focus, an end in mind. So, what happened? Discipline...

Start with why - how great leaders inspire action: Simon Sinek at TEDxPu...

Hi there all you awesome Wellness Warriors, What emotion is evoked in you by the following words? 1 Loser 2 Lose 3 Change Are they positive or negative emotions? What memories do these words bring up in your mind? How do you feel when you lose something or someone? In what way are you potentially impacted in situations when you 'lose'? Dealing with people who wish to re-sculpt their bodies and either reduce their clothing size or increase it, the phrases such as 'lose weight'' change your eating patterns' are just 2 of the emotion provoking phrases used. There are many reasons for people gaining and retaining mass that is not muscle eg yo-yo  dieting, hormone imbalances, incorrect eating programmes, lifestyle stresses to name a few; yet I am seeing that- at a gut level, the emotion of 'losing' something plays a very important part in the sabotaging of any mass reduction and lifestyle programme undertaken by people. The purpose being to maintain...