
Showing posts from April, 2013

Attitude of gratitude

Good morning on a vibrantly beautiful day! As we go about our daily routines we often forget an attitude of gratitude . This morning I am grateful to be alive, and able to practice the concept that work is love in action. I am looking forward to swimming later on and am very grateful that I am able to enter and exit the pool in my own strength. what are you giving thanks for today? have a great one yours in wellness Janine
Hello all you wonderful Wellness Warriors Hope this finds you all managing your path of wellness successfully. With autumn and spring on the way, some of you might be running from your systems unwillingly entertaining a few viruses. Ensure you are drinking lots of filtered water, with or without lemon juice. Give your body a head start by using ginger, mint, cinnamon, clove, cayenne pepper in your smoothies. Don’t forget the other ingredients that boost your immune system, namely the greens, especially dandelion leaves, parsley, coriander, lettuce and spinach. Some kale, cabbage, cauliflower and the tops of radishes, carrots and beetroot would also be beneficial. Thoughts Have you ever tried to think on a thought that makes you feel good for 15 seconds? Try it. See if you can last the full 15 seconds. I asked 2 separate people to try this. It was very saddening that they both replied that they really couldn’t think of anything that makes them feel happy. Well, practic...

Struggle is not the same as work

Hello there all you wonderful people, Do you ever feel like you are taking 2 steps forward to take 10 back? This has been asked by several people recently, "Janine, why do I feel like everything is going wrong, just when it was going right?" Sometimes we are so busy struggling to achieve daily goals, we forget the long-term picture. We are so busy hurrying, we forget to slow down and re-assess the important versus the urgent. Often urgent and important are not the same thing! Yes, things may be rough due to past decisions and, sometimes, factors beyond our control; However, keep on doing the correct thing and you will be able to look back and see that there is more positive than negative. Look for more effective ways of accomplishing tasks. Personally,I have found that the Flylady ( ) principle of just doing something for 15 minutes at a time- really takes the struggle out of work. Why? Because there is a time limit. You can focus for 5 to...

Growth versus Change

Hello there all you wonderful people  It was such an awesome break to have my husband home for 5 days. To have time with my children and to just be able to listen to various speakers via the Internet webinars. What have you done lately to feed your inner self, to fill your cup as opposed to emptying it? Are you so 'busy' that you forget to be? Thought for the week Instead of pushing yourself to change, how about you think in terms of growing? Of expanding and developing the great points you already have? it is my experience that we are very threatened by change, even the thought of it can send us into a tailspin. So...... take the wonderful person you can be and GROW towards that. Is it change? not really, more a type of expansion. Enjoy expanding, growing , and being the interesting person you are designed to be. Have a blessed week Yours in wellness Janine