Struggle is not the same as work

Hello there all you wonderful people,

Do you ever feel like you are taking 2 steps forward to take 10 back?

This has been asked by several people recently, "Janine, why do I feel like everything is going wrong, just when it was going right?"

Sometimes we are so busy struggling to achieve daily goals, we forget the long-term picture.
We are so busy hurrying, we forget to slow down and re-assess the important versus the urgent. Often urgent and important are not the same thing!

Yes, things may be rough due to past decisions and, sometimes, factors beyond our control;
However, keep on doing the correct thing and you will be able to look back and see that there is more positive than negative.

Look for more effective ways of accomplishing tasks.

Personally,I have found that the Flylady ( principle of just doing something for 15 minutes at a time- really takes the struggle out of work.
Because there is a time limit.
You can focus for 5 to 15 minutes without feeling overwhelmed. You also achieve much, much, much more than you realise, by taking that quick 15 minute interval and doing something on your list. It is also possible to do 2 lots of 15 minutes to finish off something, but psychologically, it is only taking 15 minutes!

Have a great struggle free day

Yours in Wellness


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