Growth versus Change

Hello there all you wonderful people

 It was such an awesome break to have my husband home for 5 days. To have time with my children and to just be able to listen to various speakers via the Internet webinars.

What have you done lately to feed your inner self, to fill your cup as opposed to emptying it?
Are you so 'busy' that you forget to be?

Thought for the week

Instead of pushing yourself to change, how about you think in terms of growing?
Of expanding and developing the great points you already have?

it is my experience that we are very threatened by change, even the thought of it can send us into a tailspin. So...... take the wonderful person you can be and GROW towards that.
Is it change? not really, more a type of expansion.

Enjoy expanding, growing , and being the interesting person you are designed to be.
Have a blessed week

Yours in wellness


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